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Teams webhook requests for Mezmo Alerts
Mezmo Webhook configuration Content-Type: application/json { "title": "Mezmo - User accoun...
NUT - Network UPS Tools
Ubuntu 24.04 Issues Out of the box, you receive the following errors when running nut-scanne...
While trying out Ubuntu 23.04 via Ubuntu Sway Remix 23.04, I've noticed a lot of issues with blur...
Installation and Setup
These instructions are based around Ubuntu 24.04 (Ubuntu Sway Remix). My workstation base # get...
Running with Wayland # from /usr/share/applications/atlauncher.desktop Exec=env _JAVA_AWT_WM_NO...
Using a SOCKS proxy with OpenSSH
Setting up a SOCKS5 proxy using OpenSSH client command line In order for this to work, the remot...
Fancy console
Components bash Nerd Fonts starship preset: Pastel Powerline Preset customize: see below...
InsyncHQ - InSync and InSync-Headless
Installing insync using modern key management The vendor's instructions for installing via the a...
Example of creating and mounting multiple sub-volumes mkfs.vfat /dev/sda1 mkfs.btrfs /...
Below are links to various software I use. Software is free / open-source unless otherwise noted....