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ProFTPd and SFTP

Technical Notebook Pages ProFTPd

Ubuntu 22.04 Install proftpd-basic Edit /etc/proftpd/modules.conf and enable mod_sftp and mod...

Updated 1 year ago by bluecrow76

Netplan, Bonding, and VLANs


Creating a bond interface with Netplan The example below shows two Ethernet interfaces bonded us...

Updated 1 year ago by bluecrow76

WiFi Regulatory Notes

Technical Notebook Pages

More notes to come. For now, these are random useful illustrations from around the web.     ...

Updated 1 year ago by bluecrow76

Ubiquiti UniFi

Technical Notebook Pages

  List users in the UniFi Controller database # show list of users in the unifi mongodb databas...

Updated 1 year ago by bluecrow76


Technical Notebook Pages

Using post-up and post-down scripts in a WireGuard configuration You can use PostUp and PostDown...

Updated 1 year ago by bluecrow76

Learning Resources


rustup toolchain installer book: the rust programming language rust by example rustlings

Updated 1 year ago by bluecrow76

Axis camera packet capture

Technical Notebook Pages

Download network trace Source According to documentation this can be done via the URL below, as...

Updated 1 year ago by bluecrow76


Technical Notebook Pages

Polycom SIP TLS with custom CA The config files below show how to add a custom CA certificate (c...

Updated 1 year ago by bluecrow76


Technical Notebook Pages

Lithium Ion Voltage vs. Charge Status Original Source 4.2V – 100% 4.1V – 87% 4.0V – 75% 3.9V...

Updated 1 year ago by bluecrow76


Technical Notebook Pages

Process Management pm2 - Advanced, production process manager for Node.js ORM for Node.js ...

Updated 1 year ago by bluecrow76

Password recovery


Reset lost root password /etc/init.d/mysqld stop mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables --skip-netwo...

Updated 1 year ago by bluecrow76

Using cursors in stored procedures

MySQL Stored Procedures

The MySQL code below is from a stackoverflow answer. It provides a design pattern with detailed e...

Updated 1 year ago by bluecrow76

Permissions / Grants


Grants GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'somepassword'; GRANT ALL ON databa...

Updated 1 year ago by bluecrow76



  Reference code bases:  

Updated 1 year ago by bluecrow76

Bandwidth monitoring


Useful console programs bwm-ng - Bandwidth Monitor NG (Next Generation), a live bandwidth moni...

Updated 1 year ago by bluecrow76

Ruckus / Brocade



Updated 1 year ago by bluecrow76

MAC Addresses


MAC OUI   Reserved OUIs Addresses Usage Reference 00-00-00 to 00-00-FF Reserved ...

Updated 1 year ago by bluecrow76



systemd-resolved is a systemd service that provides network name resolution to local applications...

Updated 1 year ago by bluecrow76

The Most Common OpenSSL Commands


General OpenSSL Commands These commands allow you to generate CSRs, Certificates, Private Keys a...

Updated 1 year ago by bluecrow76

Color Schemes


The following code with download all of the colorschemes provided by flazz and set molokai as the...

Updated 1 year ago by bluecrow76