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121 total results found
Ubuntu console-setup for setting console font
By default, on a Surface laptop running Ubuntu Sway Remix, the console font is waaay too small for my aging eyes, so I set off to learn how to change it. sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup UTF-8 Guess optimal character set Do not change the boot/kernel ...
Ubuntu desktop launchers
Recognized desktop entry keys Mikrotik The Dude The Dude runs well under Wine. Running the installer will generate all needed desktop launchers. [Desktop Entry] Name=The Dude 7.15.2 Exec=env WINEPREFIX="/home/msharp/.wine-dude-7.15.2" wine C:\\\\Dude-7....
OpenSSH on Windows Check if OpenSSH is available Get-WindowsCapability -Online | Where-Object Name -like 'OpenSSH*' Install OpenSSH Client and Server # Install the OpenSSH ...
Parks and Recreation
"I have enjoyed parts of our time together." - Ron Swanson "Best friend I ever had. We still never talk sometimes." - Ron Swanson
Car Emergency Kits
National Safety Council: What Should You Keep in the Car? HOW TO ORGANIZE AN EMERGENCY CAR KIT: WHAT TO HAVE IN YOUR VEHICLE AT ALL TIMES #end
DHCP Server Option Matcher
Vendor Class Ids Below is a list of known vendor Class Ids that have been observed from DHCP requests. Vendor Class Ids Option 60 Content Vendor Notes Algo 8301 Paging Adapter ALGO_VENDORamp; Scheduler android-dhcp-9 CISCO SPA11...
Upgrade paths Click here to view the required upgrade paths. Use the commands below to perform the individual upgrades. Upgrade to a specific version using the official repositories source Use the first command # Ubuntu/Debian sudo apt-cache madison gitlab-ee ...
On-Prem to Azure DNS Migration
The Azure CLI can easily be used to do this migration. Here's the steps to use the Azure CLI: Create the new zone in Azure via the portal or the azure-cli create command. Export the newly created zone from Azure to get the new SOA and NS records. Open the or...
PoE Detection and Negotiation
Tour date links
This page is a bunch of links to tour date pages of artists I follow. armin van buuren brit floyd cannons elderbrook gioli and assia nora en pure collectiv presents district atlanta
Useful MSSQL Queries
Show running queries SELECT req.session_id, req.status, req.command, req.cpu_time, req.total_elapsed_time, sqltext.TEXT FROM sys.dm_exec_requests req CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(sql_handle) AS sqltext Kill running query Get the session_id ...
How to stop Aftershokz / Shokz headphones from beeping while muted Source While Teams is muted, hold both VOLUME buttons (volume "+" and "-" at the same time) for about 3 seconds. You will hear MUTE OFF.
Virtual disk format conversions
qemu-img utility You can download the qemu-img utility for Windows from here. OVA to VHDX qemu-img.exe -p convert source.vmdk -O vhdx -o subformat=fixed destination.vhdx #end
Errors and Solutions
This page contains a list of common PowerShell errors and their solutions. Invoke-WebRequest : The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel. The cause of the error is that PowerShell, by default, uses TLS 1.0 to make https requests. T...
Expanding objects Much of the data we receive from cmdlets are objects that require further manipulation to get to the data we're looking for. # Connect to Microsoft Graph Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "Mail.Read" # Define the user and folder details $u...
Active Directory
Firewall management
List firewall rules with ICMP in the DisplayName Get-NetFirewallRule | Where-Object DisplayName -Like "*ICMP*" | Sort-Object Enabled,Name | Format-Table Enable ICMP Echo Request Set-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "File and Printer Sharing (Echo Request - ICMPv4...
Microsoft netsh trace
Basic Start the trace: netsh trace start capture=yes Ethernet.Type=IPv4 Stop the trace: netsh trace stop Files will be created in %AppData%\Local\Temp\NetTraces View ETL in Microsoft Network Monitor 3.4 If you load the ETL in Microsoft Network Monit...
Group Policy and PowerShell
You can manage Group Policy via PowerShell... who knew!? 🤣 Listing GPOs Get-GPO -All | Sort-Object -Property DisplayName | FT -Property DisplayName,Owner,GpoStatus,Description Get-GPO -All -Domain domain.loc -Server dc1.domain.loc | Sort-Object -Property ...
WiFi Standards
WiFi Standards Comparison WiFi 5 WiFi 6 WiFi 6e WiFi 7 Launch date 2013 2019 2021 2024 Standard name 802.11ac 802.11ax 802.11ax 802.11be Power and battery life - Supports TWT Security protocols WPA, WPA2 WPA, W...