Capture Filters
Download and install
Silently install wireshark and npcap
# wireshark silent installer will not install npacp - tested
cd $env:TEMP
Invoke-WebRequest -URI https://1.na.dl.wireshark.org/win64/Wireshark-latest-x64.exe -Out Wireshark-latest-x64.exe
Start-Process Wireshark-latest-x64.exe -Wait -ArgumentList @("/D","/S","/desktopicon=no","/quicklaunchicon=no", "/EXTRACOMPONENTS=sshdump,udpdump")
get-process | Sort-Object -Property ProcessName | Where-Object {$_.ProcessName -Like 'Wireshark*'}
# npcap download and silent install - haven't fully tested this one yet
cd $env:TEMP
Invoke-WebRequest -URI https://npcap.com/dist/npcap-1.79.exe -Out npcap-1.79.exe
Start-Process npcap-1.79.exe -Wait -ArgumentList @("/S","/force","/admin_only=yes")
get-process | Sort-Object -Property ProcessName | Where-Object {$_.ProcessName -Like 'npcap*'}
MAC address OUI
# haven't figured this capture filter out yet... display filter is easy...
bootp and dhcp
port 67 or port 68
Name resolution protocols
Cisco Discovery Protocol
udp port 53
multicast DNS
udp port 5353
Link-local multicast name resolution
udp port 5355
All together now
udp port 53 or udp port 5353 or udp port 5355
Network discovery protocols
An easy way to view discovery protocol traffic from a laptop is by using Wireshark and the capture filters below for CDP, LLDP and MNDP. Use the appropriate capture filter for the type of device you're trying to gather information about, or use all three of them in the same capture filter.
Cisco Discovery Protocol
ether host 01:00:0c:cc:cc:cc and ether[16:4] = 0x0300000C and ether[20:2] == 0x2000
Link Layer Discovery Protocol
ether proto 0x88cc
Mikrotik Discovery Protocol
udp dst port 5678 and udp src port 5678
All three of the above capture filters in one:
(ether host 01:00:0c:cc:cc:cc and ether[16:4] = 0x0300000C and ether[20:2] == 0x2000) or (ether proto 0x88cc) or (udp dst port 5678 and udp src port 5678)
Capturing on an interval in Linux
The command below will capture all traffic to/from A new capture file will be created every 600 seconds (10 minutes).
dumpcap -b duration:600 -f "host" -w capture-google
Mikrotik Packet Capture Streaming
To accept only TZSP traffic, Capture Filter like this can be used:
udp port 37008
Note that TZSP can be sent on any UDP port you set it to, so adjust the above capture as needed.
Using tshark
Interface List
This is typically needed when running tshark on Windows.
tshark -D
thsark -i <interface_id>
Capture Filter
# capture only udp dns packets
tshark -f "udp port 53"
Saving Packets
# save packets (doesn't display packets)
tsharp -f "udp port 37008" -w captured.pcap
# save and display packets
tsharp -f "udp port 37008" -w captured.pcap -P
# save and display packets with LOTS of detail
tsharp -f "udp port 37008" -w captured.pcap -P -O dns -V
Automatic stop
Options are duration:[seconds], filesize:[KB], and files:[n].
tshark -a duration:60
tshark -a filesize:1000
Ring Buffer Capture
tshark -b duration:3600 -b filesize:1000 -b files:24 -w ring_buffer.pcap
tshark -b duration:86400 -b filesize:1000 -b files:30 -w ring_buffer.pcap
Practical examples
# TZSP stream capture on specific interface
tshark -f "udp port 37008" -i 5
# TZSP stream capture on alternate udp port, uses decode as feature
tshark -f "udp port 37091" -d udp.port==37091,tzsp