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Ubiquiti UniFi

List users in the UniFi Controller database
# show list of users in the unifi mongodb database
mongo --port 27117 ace --eval "db.admin.find().forEach(printjson);"
Change password for a UniFi Controller user
# change <UserName> to an actual user on the unifi controller
# the command will reset that user password to 'password'
mongo --port 27117 ace --eval 'db.admin.update( { "name" : "<UserName>" }, { $set : { "x_shadow" : "$6$GgQYRQnUs4wYkRd$7g6mig.les9salut9CZjUrG/UqqF6R/2RiCaCQEpEzz/7UtAtzeeQsVDnacAW1el2KH/jvUuJ4Eh08xy.KGl0/" } } )'

Decrypt a UniFi Controller backup

Force dhcp to renew ip address
  1. Get the PID of the udhcpc process
  2. Send that process the USR1 signal which tells udhcpc to renew its IP address 👍
# find the PID of the udhcpc process
ps | grep udhcpc
# output of the above command
 4052 admin     3480 S    /sbin/udhcpc -f -i eth0 -V ubnt -A 10 -s /etc/udhcpc/udhcpc -p /var/run/
 6648 admin     3504 R    sh /usr/etc/ ssh-trace-cmd -c ps | grep udhcpc -n 4 -i
 6650 admin     3480 R    grep udhcpc
# instruct udhcpc to renew its IP address by sending it's process the USR1 signal
kill -USR1 4052


