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Ubiquiti UniFi


List users in the UniFi Controller database
# show list of users in the unifi mongodb database
mongo --port 27117 ace --eval "db.admin.find().forEach(printjson);"
Change password for a UniFi Controller user
# change <UserName> to an actual user on the unifi controller
# the command will reset that user password to 'password'
mongo --port 27117 ace --eval 'db.admin.update( { "name" : "<UserName>" }, { $set : { "x_shadow" : "$6$GgQYRQnUs4wYkRd$7g6mig.les9salut9CZjUrG/UqqF6R/2RiCaCQEpEzz/7UtAtzeeQsVDnacAW1el2KH/jvUuJ4Eh08xy.KGl0/" } } )'


Decrypt a UniFi Controller backup

