Installed software via PowerShell
Query registry for installed software
There's more data in each registry than is being displayed in the PowerShell Custom Objects output be the script below. You can inspect $InstalledSoftware for further details.
# HKEY_Local_Machine
$HKLM_InstalledSoftware = Get-ChildItem "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"
$HKLM_PrettyList = foreach ($obj in $HKLM_InstalledSoftware) {
Name = ($obj.Name).Split('\')[-1]
DisplayName = $obj.GetValue('DisplayName')
DisplayVersion = $obj.GetValue('DisplayVersion')
Publisher = $obj.GetValue('Publisher')
InstallLocation = $obj.GetValue('InstallLocation')
$HKLM_PrettyList | Sort-Object -Property Publisher,Name | Select-Object -Property DisplayName,Publisher,InstallLocation,Name
The above information does not include software installed to the current logged in user. Just change the hive that's being queried as shown below:
# HKEY_Current_User
$HKCU_InstalledSoftware = Get-ChildItem "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"
$HKCU_PrettyList = foreach ($obj in $HKLM_InstalledSoftware) {
Name = ($obj.Name).Split('\')[-1]
DisplayName = $obj.GetValue('DisplayName')
DisplayVersion = $obj.GetValue('DisplayVersion')
Publisher = $obj.GetValue('Publisher')
InstallLocation = $obj.GetValue('InstallLocation')
$HKCU_PrettyList | Sort-Object -Property Publisher,Name | Select-Object -Property DisplayName,Publisher,InstallLocation,Name